Про затвердження Концепції національно-патріотичного
виховання дітей і молоді, Заходів щодо реалізації
Концепції національно-патріотичного виховання дітей
і молоді та методичних рекомендацій щодо
національно-патріотичного виховання y загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах -
Anyone who truly loves his homeland is, from every angle, a true man. V. Sukhomlinsky
виховання дітей і молоді, Заходів щодо реалізації
Концепції національно-патріотичного виховання дітей
і молоді та методичних рекомендацій щодо
національно-патріотичного виховання y загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах -
Anyone who truly loves his homeland is, from every angle, a true man. V. Sukhomlinsky
Round table: Focus on Ukraine: (group of Journalists) Do you know that?..
The first Democratic Republic in Europe was Zaporizhzhian Sich.Getman Zaizhzhian Army Philip Orlyk was the auther of the first Constitution in 1710The Constitution defined
the rights and duties of Cossacks Troops.The Constitution was
written in Latin and middle Ukrainian.The Island of Khortitsa
was the cradle of Zaporizhzhian Sich.The famous leader of
Cossacks Bohdan Khmelnitsy was a pen friend of Oliver Cromwell.Oliwer Cromwell was the
leader of England Revolution and the Civil war in the17th.c.Two outstanding men lived
at the same time, achieved amazing results, but their achievements were
destroyed by their sons.Oliwer Cromwell and Bohdan
Khmelnitsky were talented ,clever, strong and brave people, created the history.
- Quiz : Travelling to Cossacks Times.Who were the Cossacks ?( Free, independent people, they were in search of a better life, freedom and military fame)
- What did they do for Ukraine? ( Protected the Slavonic Lands against attacks of Tatars and Turks)
- When did the first news about Cossacks date? ( in the 15th c)
What does the world «Cossack»
mean?( Free, independent men)What was the Cossacks
occupation? ( They were engaged in fishing, hunting, bee-keeping and building their settlements)What the main features of
character did the Cossacks have?( They were hard working,
brave, courage, strong)When did they organize in
united,single,military organization? (in the 16th c)What did they build on the
banks of the rivers?(fortress)What was the heart of Sich
( the Island of Khortitsya)When and by whom the first
fortress was founded? ( Zaporizhyan Sich was
founded in 1557 by Dmitro Vishnevetsky,he was the first Cossacks Hetman)Painting contests : Show and name your drawing , which you prepared beforehand (Cossacks attributes of power , ships)
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